Tag Archives: santa cruz

Staying Put – House-sitting Style

After the wedding, Fred, Pia and I took on a house-sitting staycation in the Santa Cruz mountains area for good friends who were off traveling and having their own adventures.

We spent three very relaxing weeks lounging around, sipping coffee while reading newspapers, walking to town, and mostly enjoying this fabulous garden retreat, designed and maintained by my good friend and garden designer Albright-Souza Garden Design.



As seen above, Pia also had a buddy to hang with.

Albright-Souza Garden Design has a wonderful blog of her own, Perjoy with much useful information on designing with drought tolerant and native plants. She often showcases other gardens, so I thought it time to show off some of her handy work used to create her own backyard retreat!



If you are in this area, and think it’s finally time to tear out that water guzzling lawn, and give your yard an updo, check out her work over at her website, and give her a call!

Albright-Souza Garden Design




Downtime here in such a lovely setting is just what these KeeVan nomads needed to refresh and re-energize.

Time to visit with good friends, time to read books, time to reflect, time to spend with family, squeeze in a little knitting, and of course plan our next adventure.


20150606-Joy's house-101


House-sitting is a great way to take short breaks from life on the road and continue at the same time to experience new lifestyles and modes of living.

We nomads are back in our van now and are currently heading north again, but there are some more forks in our path coming up.

Stay tuned….to see which fork we take.     ❧

* A little aside note.

For those interested in asking Keevansoul questions about their lifestyle / traveling adventures, please do so with your questions in the comments section of the blog. It helps to create dialog and gives me ideas to write about. I try to keep my personal e-mail for my close friends and family. Just my policy.  But I will always try to answer questions here on the blog. Thanks for understanding!!

Eurovan Woes…Again…

There we were, cruising down the road after a couple lovely weeks on the coast.

Up the hill, and uh…what the heck. She died. Again.

This is the same thing that happened when we first got back to Santa Cruz, right in the middle of an intersection. This time, we have to coast backwards, downhill, to a place where we can halfway safely pull off the road.

She won’t start up again. Battery’s o.k. Starter is o.k. Fuel lines are o.k.

She just won’t start. And it’s raining. Again. It was a hard and heavy and windy forceful full onslaught of rain hitting the front end on the van all night. So much so, the canvas tent was wet along the seams. On the inside!

Hours of not being able to get her going, we call for yet another tow. Number 3 in 4 months. Not a good record. Luckily we’re now into a new year, so our Geico free tow limit starts over again.




We take her to our good friends at German Auto again, in San Luis Obispo.

There she sits overnight. And wouldn’t you know it, she starts up fine the next morning.

Something is getting wet, somewhere, and something seems to be shorting out, somehow, and we nor the German Auto guys, nor the Volkswagon folks back in Santa Cruz can figure it out. And yes, both times, it’s happened on, yep, that’s right, a Saturday. Saturdays – you know are the days, when all good mechanics don’t work.

So by the time anyone smarter than us, can take a look at her, she’s dried herself off, and is behaving perfectly and very well mannered.

Frustrating. YES. But Miss Keevan, we still love you. Even if it means we are stuck someplace till yonder sunshine gleams down and brings forth light to our “Eurovan Adventures.” We’re sticking in there with her.

But we have made a few threats! Just so she knows.




On another front, we had to make another quick trip back to Santa Cruz, for some appointments, and for Fred to officially sign up for his old age fountain of youth, well deserved, social security retirement.

We are planning to squeeze in another trek down to Arizona, for a couple of months, before coming back to this city yet again, and finally – for the event of the year!

The event of the year? That would be the wedding of our most beautiful and loving, cherished daughter, and her most wonderful and handsome, totally awesome, soon to be husband.




Hope to be posting from down the desert roads again soon!

Greetings From Santa Cruz


Hello 2015.

We’re closing in on 300 days on the road. A little Unbelievable, but very True it is.

Holidays came and went. Lots of Fun and Happy times with Family and good Friends. Food, wine, and much beach time was enjoyed.


Four people looking across the bay.


The Rain that greeted us upon arrival home, turned into chilling Cold weather, which then turned into Summer like temperatures.


Young girl frolicking in the surf


In the midst of Happiness, some Grief was endured, more van problems were encountered, and then a hard drive that died a grizzly dark Death threw a loop into our visit.


Young girl walking quietly on beach
Moving On


Long walks along the ocean with Loved ones helped heal the wounds.


Marbled willet along the shore
Marbled Willet


Our Friends in Nature encouraged us to Look forward to new Adventures in the coming year. There are lots of Ideas for new Projects here on this blog and elsewhere.


Snowy egret with injured leg
Snowy Egret


We’re very Exited about all the new Energy generated in the blog world. Everyone seems so full of Enthusiasm.


Young seagull on the sand
Immature Gull


We’re quietly and Peacefully getting Miss Keevan fixed up pretty and Practical, before traveling onward.


kayaker heading out to sea
Heading Out 


Into the Unknown we Journey.

Hope we all make time in life for Renewal, Abundance and Hope in this coming year.

Journey Onward.


Holiday Cheer – Van Style




Who says you can’t decorate 70 square feet?

One simple strand of battery LED lights go a long way inside this tiny house, and adds an incredible amount of cheerful bright light.

We are back in Santa Cruz, spending this time of year with our family and friends, while taking a short break, house and kitty sitting for dear friends for a few weeks.

We wish everyone out there in Blogland a very happy Holiday Season however you happen to spend it.

Looking forward to more adventures to share in 2015…

Enjoy the journey.             ❧